Staking BUSD into this Safe Pool, you will be a liquidity provider, and this is not risk-fee. When the market price of tokens fluctuates greatly, the staking amount may be lower than the staked amount, which is called Impermanent Loss.
For more details about impermanent loss please refer to
This Safe Pool is still in beta. Please use at your own risk.
Staking BUSD into this Safe Pool, you will be a liquidity provider, and this is not risk-fee. When the market price of tokens fluctuates greatly, the staking amount may be lower than the staked amount, which is called Impermanent Loss.
For more details about impermanent loss please refer to
This Safe Pool is still in beta. Please use at your own risk.
Stake Avail: 0.0000
Choose option to Unstake your Token
Unstake to BUSD
0.00 BUSD~ $0.00
Unstake to VYNC & BUSD
0.00 VYNC + 0.00 BUSD~ $0.00
Unstake to VYNC
0.00 VYNC~ $0.00
Unstake Avail: 0.0000
0.00 BUSD / USDMinimum received
0.00 BUSD
Staking BNB into this Safe Pool, you will be a liquidity provider, and this is not risk-fee. When the market price of tokens fluctuates greatly, the staking amount may be lower than the staked amount, which is called Impermanent Loss.
For more details about impermanent loss please refer to
This Safe Pool is still in beta. Please use at your own risk.
Stake Avail: 0.0000
Choose option to Unstake your Token
Unstake to BNB
0.00 BNB~ $0.00
Unstake to VYNC & BNB
0.00 VYNC + 0.00 BNB~ $0.00
Unstake to VYNC
0.00 VYNC~ $0.00
Unstake Avail: 0.0000
0.00 BNB / USDMinimum received
0.00 BNB
Staking VYNC into this Safe Pool, you will be a liquidity provider, and this is not risk-fee. When the market price of tokens fluctuates greatly, the staking amount may be lower than the staked amount, which is called Impermanent Loss.
For more details about impermanent loss please refer to
This Safe Pool is still in beta. Please use at your own risk.
Stake Avail: 0.0000 VYNC
Choose option to Unstake your Token
Unstake to VYNC
0.00 VYNC~ $0.00
Unstake Avail: 0.0000
Staking VYNC-CMQ into this Safe Pool, you will be a liquidity provider, and this is not risk-fee. When the market price of tokens fluctuates greatly, the staking amount may be lower than the staked amount, which is called Impermanent Loss.
For more details about impermanent loss please refer to
This Safe Pool is still in beta. Please use at your own risk.
Staking VYNC-CMQ into this Safe Pool, you will be a liquidity provider, and this is not risk-fee. When the market price of tokens fluctuates greatly, the staking amount may be lower than the staked amount, which is called Impermanent Loss.
For more details about impermanent loss please refer to
This Safe Pool is still in beta. Please use at your own risk.
Stake Avail: 0.0000
Choose option to Unstake your Token
Unstake to VYNC
0.00 VYNC~ $0.00
Unstake Avail: 0.0000
0.00 VYNC / USDMinimum received
~0.00 VYNC
Staking CMQ into this Safe Pool, you will be a liquidity provider, and this is not risk-fee. When the market price of tokens fluctuates greatly, the staking amount may be lower than the staked amount, which is called Impermanent Loss.
For more details about impermanent loss please refer to
This Safe Pool is still in beta. Please use at your own risk.
Stake Avail: 0.0000 CMQ
Choose option to Unstake your Token
Unstake to CMQ
0.00 CMQ~ $0.00
Unstake Avail: 0.0000
Transactions have been successfully completed
Transactions have been initiated. Waiting for confirmation.
Enter Amount($)
0.00 VYNC / USDTxn Fee
~0.00 VYNC1d
6.83 (~$5.8)
48.97 (~$41.60)
224.93 (~$191.10)
8,699.70 (~$7,391.10)
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